Saturday, June 24, 2006

Well I made it back from San Antonio. It was so HOT! I forget how lucky we are to have the dry heat, as opposed to humidity. Some may like the humidity better, but not me. I can't hardly breathe in that stuff. The training was really good for me. It helped me alot, and gave me more confidence in what I am doing at work. My flight was delayed a couple of hours on the way home, and I think the air conditioner quit working in the San Antonio airport, so we all stunk...but all in all it was good. I even had a friend with me on the flight to Dallas. John (Sheila likes me to leave out last names) so the John of "John and Sheila" AKA the assistant dean of LCU was on the plane with me. It was nice to have a friendly face on there.

Things at work are much better. They are in the process of hiring another processor and in the mean time they have one of the receptionists helping me, until they can get someone else in there. And this time, I don't think we'll have to worry about them quitting.

We went to a birthday party today for Marli (Kemp) It was a lot of fun. Well, I guess I should say it was a lot of fun for kids. I left muddy, wet, and sweatty. It was a swimming party and they had several different little pools and a big slide. Madi and Kyle had a blast. Madi never even stopped to eat lunch and the only problem we had was when Kyle thought it would be a great idea to eat his hot dog while swimming. I'm pretty laid back, but that's just discusting to see a shredded up hot dog bun in a pool. So he was pretty mad when I wouldn't let him. I changed him out of his swimming trunks and back into his regular clothes, b/c we were going to be leaving soon, and all of a sudden he's back in the pool. Ya know, what can you do??? There are just times when you have to get over some things and chill out when you have kids. He wasn't hurting anyone, and he was having a great time, so we just went with it. He kept stealing everyone's hot dogs off their plates though. I thought Marli was going to take him down one time. It's Brad Kemps daughter...I don't know him really well, but the stories alone are enough. So I quickly gave the hot dog back. I took my camera, and I was having some issues, so I only got one picture and I'm not even sure yet how good it is. I might post it later. Anyways, they had great fun and came home exhausted. Well Kyle did...he's still asleep. Madi my sleepless child, who used be the best sleeper, did not take a nap. I don't know how she does it anymore. If she can ever hold still long enough she will fall asleep. Getting her to hold still is the problem. She's always going 90 miles per hour. The other night, I'm not even sure if she went to sleep. She came into our room at 1, and then again at 4. I woke up at 6:30 her light was on, her t.v. was on, and she was playing. I made her lay down and about 10 minutes later she had fallen asleep and slept until about 10. That has to be a Nathan trait, b/c I value my sleep sooooo much.

Well I hope everyone has a good weekend.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Well I've attempted to write a new post for a couple of days now, but I just hadn't been able to write. A lot has been happening, but nothing I really felt like talking about. I will say a lot has been resolved now and I'm feeling a lot better. Work has been really stressful, and it's been affecting me personally which has been really hard. We are once again going through some more changes at work, but I think these changes are for the best. Nothing bad has happened, Satan has just been trying hard to bring "divisions among the ranks" as my boss put it. I am feeling a big sigh of relief now though. We met with my boss this morning, and he handled everything great.

I am flying out tonight to go to San Antonio for a training. I will be back thursday night. I'm kind of nervous. I'm a small town girl in a big city by herself. Zach is going too, but he's taking a different flight. I'm taking the latest one possible so I can spend as much time with my family. I left work at noon today to be with them. I'm catching up on my day time t.v. while they're napping. I can't believe Patch and Kayla are back on Days of Our Lives. They've been gone forever! And Passions is absolutely the most ridiculous show on t.v. I knew that already, but I just re-confirmed it today.

In other news, Nathan and Eric came to our sales meeting/devotional this past Tuesday. They catered breakfast for us, and spoke to all the realtors about their appraisal services and some new things they're doing. Well so far it's been a big success. A lot of the realtors who have never used them before are really responding well. Plus they like me, so that helps too. Ya know even on a day when it's hard with whatever that may, kids, life in general...I have to remember what God has done for me and how much he has blessed me and my family. We are so lucky and so favored by God. And knowing that have God's favor is a wonderful feeling. I hope you all have a great rest of the week, and you too count your blessings!!! We all have more to be thanful for that we realize!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Bad Day...Good Night

I am not a bad driver. I've never been in a wreck, and I've had a couple speeding tickets, but overall I'm safe out on the road. However, I do suffer from road rage. I do honk my horn at people who clearly deserve to be honked at. But I don't flip people off, that's just tacky. Well yesterday, I was getting off the Slide exit on the Loop going back to work after lunch, and I was going to get in the right lane. The car in front of me wanted in the right lane too, and he could have gotten in front of me safely, IF the car in the right lane hadn't decided that he was going to turn right all of the sudden. So I had to slow down pretty fast which caused the other car not to be able to get in front of me. So this...woman (please read that with a pause in front of woman, b/c I have a really hard time not wanting to call her something else) thinks that I'm cutting her off, and she gets in front of me after that car turns and starts to give me a "thank you wave" or so I thought. I put my hand up to give her a "your welcome wave" when I see that in fact that is not a "thank you wave" but a very large middle finger. She then proceeds to slam on her breaks so that maybe I'll hit her. I thought about giving her the bird back, but I didn't, I just honked really loud. I even thought about turning where she did and just asking her what her problem is, but I'm really afraid that might have escalated into something else much worse and I'd be in jail right now. I have never been soooo mad in my life at a driver. It was just so uncalled for. Yesterday, Tuesday was just a bad day. Work has been insane. Whoever said the real estate market had leveled out or slowed down for that matter must be smoking crack, b/c we are on fire. In fact the Coldwell office in Lubbock had it's best month in its history in May. MegAmerica, Coldwell's Mortgage company that I work for is closing 29 loans this month. Yesterday anything that could go wrong was going wrong. Fortunately today was much better, and we got a lot done, and I think I'm going to survive. After I left work yesterday, I wasn't sure. And that whole being flipped off incident didn't help. It just made my blood boil even more. When I came home from work we went and ate with some friends, and then Nathan and I took the kids to the drive in to see "Cars". Great movie!!!!! We had a lot of fun. It was a perfect end to a bad day. We like to go to the drive in. Madi really likes it. Kyle was a little bit harder to deal with, but he eventually settled down and finally fell asleep. Which is more than I can say for him right now. It's 9:15, and he still won't go sleep. He is the most stubborn little thing. Anyways, well I hope you all are having a good week!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I had to post this picure of Kyle sleeping. Yesteday he fell in the kitchen and busted his lip. He's lucky he didn't lose any teeth. Two of them got pushed back, and they're a little swollen and bloody. I feel so bad for him. He's been a little clingy since then. Shocking, I know. I couldn't get him to lay down in his bed for a nap, so he took a nap with me today. He is so big, I can't believe my little buddy will be two in less than two months.

Lisa, Sara, Suzanne, Kim, Melissa & Jennifer

Today was the baby shower for Suzanne and Ryder. I am soooo excited for him to get here! She went to her first doctor appointment here in Lubbock, and she is going to be induced on July 14th if he doesn't come any earlier. She is pretty big algready, I don't see how she'll make it a whole lot longer. However, I am planning on taking the day off, so for the sake of my schedule I sure wish she could have him on the 14th. Here are some pictures from the shower.

It has been a busy week. I went to work early almost every morning this week. I would much rather do that then have to stay late. I am planning on taking a day off in July for the four of us to go to Dallas and go the Ft. Worth Zoo and just play. The four of us haven't been on a vacation by ourselves. We're always on the way to meet other family, so I think it will be a lot of fun for us all.

Monday, June 05, 2006

ECI...and other things

ECI came back over today. I actually didn't even know they were coming. Nathan didn't get the message until about 1p.m. today. The speech pathologist was there today too. And good news...he has already "graduated" from the program. There are some areas that his speech is a little unclear, but he is where he is supposed to be according to Christy, the speech pathologist. And he is at and above the developmental level (physically, mentally, socially etc.) he is supposed to be for his age. And he is definately left handed too! We've known that for a while, but I just thought I'd throw that in there. That was encouraging to me! I almost hate to mention this for fear of jinxing myself, but we have also been ear infection free for a month now. We are still going to the ENT, but he has been well. I have noticed that in the last 2 weeks he has started saying new words and all the words he says are much clearer, and now that all makes sense considering he hasn't had an ear infection. So who knows, I'm certainly not going to complain!

On the other hand there is Madi, who I have to remind myself that she is only 4. Not even close to 5, but yet she talks like she's 37. I went to pick her up from VBS tonight and I turned right and she says, "Mom you ran that red light!" I told her I didn't, and she said, "well did you have an arrow?" Most people think I'm lying, but I kid you not, she is the worst back seat driver! I should not have to explain to a 4 year old that I can go right on red. Yes, it is funny...but it really scares me. What is she going to be like when she is 14...15...16...Yikes! We are trying to work with her dramatic attributes in a positive way, but man it's hard.

Okay on to another my job we have two loan officers, Zach and Gina and then we have two processors, myself and someone else. Well there have been 3 someone else's and the third quit today. And I'm talking within a span of a month. So finally today, my boss talked to me and I'm going to be the only processor. I am excited...I still have some training to do, but this puts me in really good position. I am going to take my laptop to work tomorrow and download our program on it, so I can work some from home too. Not really instead of being at the office. I am on salary, but he is going to pay me hourly for any hours I put in at home. I love it that I'm able to be so honest with my boss, b/c he knows my family is first priority and that's what he wants. He is not like the average "business" man. I don't know if I mentioned this before, but we have a devo every tuesday morning that the whole company goes to, and he has out his transparencies with his notes for the Bible study. We just finished finished up The Sermon on The Mount. Is that not unreal??? I truly believe that is why he is sooooo successful! Today when we were meeting, he cried. I was just telling him how I respect the stand he takes in the business world, and he got emotional. I truly am blessed, and like I said before this is so much more than a job for me. I still have my hard days, but God has me where he has me for a reason, and I continue to hold strong to that!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Camping in the Closet and Dance Parties

We are having a dance party here. There is no real agenda. Just turn the t.v. on to a music channel, and dance. Yes, I dance with them. Fortunately I'm the one with the camera, so you get to miss out on my "skills". Madi's pink wig is from Halloween. This is one of their favorite things to do.

Kyle was frustrated. He was trying to get a pair of shorts on, and he was having trouble.
We were camping in the closet.
Not much is going on right now. Nathan and I are going to the movies tonight. We're going to see The DaVinci Code. I can't remember the last movie I've seen at the theater. Madi is going to VBS at Sunset this week. Monterey's is during the day, and that's just not going to work for us this year with me working, so she's going to go to Sunset. Not much else is going I just thought I'd post some more pictures of the kids playing. They always make me happy!