Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I think I'm obsessed with blogging. I guess that's not such a bad thing. I do enjoy it. I feel like it's the one thing that is mine! I hate to be selfish, but with kids you share EVERYTHING...and that's okay. But it sure is nice to have something just for yourself. Speaking of sharing with kids. I've been awake since 2:30 a.m. I'm guessing Kyle wanted some quality time with me. That is the only thing I can figure out. He woke up, and hasn't been back to sleep. In the words of Nathan, "he is more hyper than a bastard cat." I love that phrase...I think it's really funny. Anyways, so I went and rocked him, and laid him back down. Generally that works. Nope, not today. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him. He just doesn't want to sleep. I'm a believer in letting him cry it out. That always worked with Madi. I've discovered though that Kyle is the most stubborn child. He will make you give up and come and get him. So finally after trying to get him to sleep with us, and putting him back down a few more times...I gave up at about 4:30. I'm just glad that I don't have to be anywhere tomorrow. What do people do who have full time jobs and this happens?????

So I got tired of watching infomercials, and thought I would write. I heard the most disgusting story on some news show. This man would go to restaurants and movie theaters and turn the water off in the urinals and after little boys would go the bathroom he would drink it. I made some biscuits this morning and when I heard that I almost chocked. That is so nasty!!!!!!!!! Coincidently he's a sex offender...ya think????? More and more I think people like that need to be put on a deserted island...and castrated too. Anyways, I know that was gross. I hope I didn't ruin your day. I just couldn't believe that.

Well as much as I would like to be able to take a nap, I don't see an end in sight. Kyle has been laughing all morning, so I'll go get another cup of coffee.


Monday, February 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Cari!

Happy Birthday Miss Faver!!!
Sheila D***** (her last name was left out for privacy protection) making the chocholate.
Our Fondue Party...it was so good!
Today was Cari's birthday. We went and ate and then went back to Sheila's for fondue. It was fun. My battery died...so I didn't get any more pictures. I was going to actually get a picture of me on here for once, but I guess I will do that later!
Happy Birthday!

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Well here are before and after pictures of our night. Really these are after and before. They had a lot of fun. By the morning though, you could tell they were becoming a little testy. Taelor turned 4 in December, and Madi will be 4 in April. Cheri was Madi's first babysitter. She watched for me while I was finishing up at LCU.

Listening to these two talk is hillarious...oh the conversations of 4 year olds! They faintly reminded me of me and my friends when we were little. This morning they were kind of bugging each other and Madi says to Taelor, "okay, your not my best friend anymore!" Does anyone remember those dumb B.F.F. necklaces? Me and my best friend of the week used to have one. I still have my diary from when I was in 4th grade and it would say things like, "Well today Chelsey and I decided not to be B.F.F. She is B.F.F. with Emily now. So Khaki and I are B.F.F. now." (By the way those are the real names of my friends) Little people are so funny!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Well today is a new day....I've still been thinking a lot about Shannon's family, but after a good nights sleep, I feel a lot better! I'm just glad God is god and I'm not. I'd be on every anti-anxiety and antidepressant out there, and probably drink a little too. God is so amazing! It's one of those things that I just sit and think about a lot. I don't understand how there are people in this world who don't have a relationship with God. How do they survive? How do they make sense of this crazy world? I could probably go on an on about that...but I won't. I just feel blessed.

Madi is having her first slumber party tonight. Well it's not really a party, but she's having a friend stay the night for the first time. I will post a picture of them later. Taelor (Jake and Cheri Liess' little girl) is who is staying the night. We're going to Post for a birthday party for my grandmother...which should be fun. It's always exciting with my grandmother around. Anyone else have a grandmother like that???? Then we'll come home. I'm hoping by that time everyone will be sleepy. It's so funny when you get to see other peoples children that you knew from college. Yesterday I subbed in the 2 year olds at Sunset. Kalynn Jimenez was in there. (Kristy Beene's daughter) She looks like her daddy, but I bet she acts like her mamma! She's a cutie! Taelor and Madi like each other a lot. When we went to Vegas in September our kids stayed with Jake and Cheri, so now everytime they see each other it's like their long lost sisters or something. Anyways, so that should be exciting. I just hope that next week isn't as busy. This week just flew by, and I'm so tired!!!! Well I've got to go get started on the day. I hope anyone who reads this has a blessed day!!!! :)

"The Lord will guide you always; he will satisy all your needs...You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail." Isaiah 58:11

I love this verse too!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

A Sad Day...

Today has been a rather overcast day. The kind of day that you just want to crawl back in bed and take a nap. The other night at our Bible study I added the Shannon Reeves family to our prayer list. She had Hodgkins Disease (a kind of cancer) and had taken a turn for the worse. They went through SIBI (Sunset preaching school) a few years back and he is now the preacher in Idalou. This time last year she was doing really bad, and then through treatment became cancer free. It came back in full force in August and has been relentless since then. This morning about 10 am they took her off the ventilator and she passed away about an hour later. She has two little kids at Sunset's preschool. I have been subbing there, and I subbed in her little boys class on Tuesday. I was up there today and it was so sad. Her and her husband have a 3 year old little boy and a 4 1/2 year old little girl. They hadn't told the kids yet. Obviously they knew that they're mom was sick, but to lose your mom at that age...I just can't imagine. I feel so bad for them and for her husband. Everyone talks about what a faithful man he is, and how he always comforted others when they were sad about HIS wife. I saw him today with big tears in his eyes. I didn't know them. I just knew them in passing, and she was always pretty easy to spot. But we've all known someone who has had this battle before, and some have conquered it and some haven't been able to. Whatever the case may be, I ask for your prayers for this family. I know I can't see the bigger picture and bad things DO happen to good people, but it's so hard not to question WHY???? Of course as I do that, I look at the verse I have posted: "Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on YOUR understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge him, and HE WILL MAKE YOUR PATHS STRAIGHT." I guess that's why I love that verse so much, because even though I may not understand, I know that HE does and HE will take care of us all. Even those little children who just lost their mamma.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


This was at a Halloween party at Church. This is Madi's friend Ramzi.
I love this picture! He looks so goofy in these glasses, but he loved wearing them.

Ms. Claus and her Elf

This is obviously from Christmas. Once again, I was trying to make a Christmas card picture.

More pictures

Here are some more pics of my babies. The top and bottom are attempts to take a nice Christmas picture for our Christmas cards. It was too difficult...getting them to sit still is like herding monkeys.

This was at Vandelia's Thanksgiving party. No, I don't know how to turn it around!

Kyle was a cow for Halloween...moo.

This is at Sunset's Thanksgiving Program.


I thought this was funny

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Finally, some pictures!

Hello! Well I finally got some pictures up. The ones of Madi and her friends are from her Valentine's Pary at school. She goes to Sunset 2 days a week. She is a camera ham!!! The other little girls are Mandy and Sydney. (Madi is on the left with the pic of the three of them) And she is on the right with the 2 girls. Obviously the little boy is Kyle. He is not much of a picture taker. Well, as soon as you take it then he smiles real big. He is a little charachter though!

Not a whole lot is going on in our world. Just trying to stay warm and get well. It's freezing this weekend! We pretty much spent the weekend cleaning. I should clarify. I pretty much spent the weekend cleaning. Although, Nathan did build a nice fire for us. I am hosting our girls bible study this Tuesday night, so I'm trying to get ready for that. Nathan is cooking for us. I have to say, he's not big on cleaning, but he is a great cook. Better than I am!

I'm so excited! I'm getting a massage on Tuesday from Erin Drumright (Stewart). She's supposed to call and remind me on Monday. Somehow I don't think I'll forget. I've been looking forward to it since last week!!!

I joined a cult...well they call it a bunko group, but I'm not sure I believe that. Just kidding...we played this past Thursday. I joined with Jennifer King. (Mrs. Jennifer King...the wife, not the sister) It's a group from our class at Monterey. It's fun...they are some serious bunko players. I'm glad to be a part though, because we've only been members of Monterey for about 2 months and I really want to get involved. So it's a good way to meet ladies and have fun. I also started helping in the nursery on Wednesday nights. It's helping Kyle to work on the separation anxiety that he has SO bad. I'm flattered that he likes me so much...but I would really like to be able to leave him for a little while without him going crazy. Not much else is going on...Nathan has started to get really busy again, which is good.

Well I guess that's about it!

My Kids!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

My Wonderful Husband

Well I hope that everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day. We decided to celebrate last night instead of the 14th. It can be hard to find a babysitter on that night, and the wait at most restaurants is ridiculous!!! I didn't really know what we were going to do, and I wasn't really dressed nice either. I have a cold, so I didn't have on makeup b/c I just kept sneezing all over myself. Anyways, Nathan took me to Stella's. That place is kind of memorable for us, b/c that is where Nathan was working when we got married. I use to come see him there and we hadn't been there in over 3 years. The last time we were there this old man passed out right by our table and hit his head on the floor and there was blood everywhere while we were trying to eat dinner. EMS has to come in there and all that...it was quite dramatic. Anyways, it was so nice. Nathan ordered a bottle of wine and we had coffee and dessert, in addition to our meals of course. It was wonderful and I appreciated everything so much. We decided that we need date nights way more often. So I just had to brag on him. He even got me roses and chocholate on the actual day. What more could a girl ask for???? I love you Nathan!!!!!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Not a whole lot has been going on...I'm just looking forward to the weekend. I did manage to score a ticket to Follies yesterday. I haven't gotten it in my hands yet... a boy at the box office has it. He was supposed to bring it to my sister last night, but he didn't. I have his cell # though, and she knows him. So at least I know who to hunt down and kill if there is a problem.

Jenny and Mika will be in town today. We're all supposed to hang out. I haven't seen Mika in years! Not sure what were going to do...but I'm sure it will be fun.

We got Kyle's haircut yesterday for the first time. I had chopped on it before, but this was his first professional haircut. I was getting tired of people asking if he had a mullet. No son of mine will ever have a mullet!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Where have I been?

Okay, so apparently I have been hiding under a rock! Everyone has a blog!!!!! Is this a new thing, or has it been around for a long time????? I have caught up on what so many people are doing that I know through this, it's so cool!

Master Follies is this weekend...I love this time of year. I haven't been as excited as I usually am about it...I don't know anyone in the shows anymore, but I can't wait to see old friends! I'm not going to the show, but I'm excited for the breakfast and just hanging out. But I do hope that Kappa wins...I'll always be a die hard Kappa fan regardless. Anyways, Jenny I can't wait to see you!

Monday, February 06, 2006

This is new for me!

Okay, so apparantly the "in thing" is to have a blog. And of course I'm always looking to be "in" so I thought I'd give it a try. I figure at least I can put pics of the kids and update everyone on what we're doing. Of course, now I'm going to have to figure out how to put pictures on here. I'm not the most computer literate person...I'm surprised I've figured this out so far. Anyways, maybe this will catch on and you will all get a blog!!!