Tuesday, June 03, 2008


What I posted yesterday was in reference to a frustrating situation in my life. I see where I have given it power to influence me in a negative way and cause me to not think about all the good things in my life.

Today has been an interesting day for me. Some really good things are happening and I'm starting to see the fruits of my labor and the proof that God provides and answers prayers in ways that He knows we need best.

I have "bumped" into more people today that I've needed to for sometime. I guess the timing now for me though is perfect. I saw Mrs. Carolyn today. Mrs. Carolyn was Madi and Kyle's pre-school director at Sunset. I haven't seen her in over a year when I took the kids out of Just Kids to move to Slaton. I love this lady. She ministered to me in so many ways and knew first hand what was going on. I even remember the time she took me into the media closet to pray with me one morning when I dropped the kids off, because I was completely beside myself with grief. We exchanged phone numbers and are getting together soon. She just lifted me up in ways that I really needed. A person who loves me.

Then I was at work talking to one of the ladies and the subject of "The Walk to Emmaus" came up. She helps with this. And I exclaimed (truly!) "oh my goodness, I've wanted to go to that!" She got me signed up for the end of June and talked to my hair dresser (who had agreed to sponsor me) and I'm going to get to go. If you don't know what "The Walk" is you can go to www.llanoemmaus.org and read about it. I have heard so many wonderful things about this weekend and that it is completely life changing. I am soooo pumped! They have a meeting once a month at a different church to get people registered. This month it's at Monterey. (I took that as a sign too!) Again people who care for me.

I could go on and on for the ways that God is blessing me and showing me that it is time to look at all who love me and see all that He is doing for me and not pay attention to the rest, because the rest aren't worth it.

I struggle with that, I really, really do. Say a prayer that I can be strong and let go of the things I need to and the people I need to. I honestly don't know why it's been so hard for me to do that...but it's time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it is hard when you are in the middle of the pit to see that you will be carried out. God WILL continue to bless you!! Sometimes in ways you will notice and others might not be the a ha moments, but you are definitely surrounded with people who love you.
By the way my mom did the walk and loved it!! I can't wait for you to have that experience.


8:28 PM  
Blogger Happy Mama said...

I love reading your blog- you have such a sweet spirit and an honesty that is so endearing. I hope you continue to see how God is working and that you grab every opportunity that He places in front of you because you never know where it will lead you.

10:32 AM  
Blogger Procters said...

I have never done the Walk, but I have heard amazing things about it. You have a beautiful spirit. As always, you are on my heart and I am praying for you.

10:51 AM  
Blogger Chrissy Cross said...

I have heard that walk is really great, I am glad you are doing it! I would like to do it sometime myself. I will pray for you as you "let go".

11:53 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Just when you think nothing is going to change or you can't see a way out, the Lord shows up and His provision that you prayed for many times over begins to come to pass.. Isn't He wonderful. I am soo proud of how far you have come. Your life hasn't been easy, but you kept on fighting. I am right there with you... :)

Love ya.


11:00 AM  
Blogger Katherine said...

Oh my goodness, you will LOVE the Walk!!! It is amazing and a true blessing. I went on a Chyrsalis (the college version) a couple of years ago, and it was one of the most transformative things I have ever done. I have never felt the love of God stronger than I did there. I can't wait to hear about it once you get back!!

I am glad that God is blessing you and your eyes and heart are open to His blessings :)

3:36 PM  

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